Thursday, June 22, 2006

How safe is your money?

So, a Bank of New Zealand branch manager was caught 'robbing' his own bank! Just when you thought that 'actual' bank robbers was all you needed to worry now have to keep an eye on the branch managers who open the accounts for you.

Theresa Time...

The tragic, morbid circumstances which led to the discovery of Theresa Time's decapitated body in Boise Idaho has left me thinking on the seriousness of 'drug addictions', domestic violence and the common role it now plays in our families, community and country.

FIRST: My condolences to Theresa Time's family. And to the family of the driver and passenger of the car who Alofa Time ran into. (sorry, I can't seem to remember their names)

Yesterday, in a discussion I was having with a group of old samoan men in Otahuhu Auckland, one mentioned that - America is the land of opportunity. This was immediately followed by 'the land of do whatever one wants and in some cases virtually get away with it'.

"With FREEDOM...comes a price....a price Theresa Time paid for with her life," said the same old man. "Its a tragedy and this type of violence, has got to STOP now!"

SO WHAT DO WE DO? WHERE in this 'wacky life' do we start?

The family unit is being targeted left right an centre (center for those in America). I ask the question of you all.... What are some things you are doing in your family to ensure that this type of stuff doesn't happen to you? (please list your answers articulately)