Friday, July 10, 2009 this stormy weather..

Storm clouds over the Tasman Sea have rolled in to the upper North Island of New Zealand blanketing the area from the tip - Kaitaia right down to Hamilton. I was seriously contemplating mowing the lawn today, but as luck would have it (the heavens had other ideas) the small green patch in the front and the slightly larger green patch at the back of the house turned into swamp-lands in less than 5 mins. **sigh** I am forced to abandon my lawn-mower for yet another week. (pumped fist....Yes)

And so, here I am at yet another lazy-day crossroad. Not sure whether I should paint, start work on another film script, go shopping or pull out the bowl of popcorn mixed with peanut M&Ms and watch another set of movies. In the back of my mind, I know I have a speech to prepare for church tomorrow. I've been asked to speak, yet again in our church sacrament meeting. Like there are others in the congregation who have not spoken in years, yet here I am having to prepare another speech for the 16th time this year. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the blessings that come from speaking, but I'm all about sharing the wealth.

So, I'm not too sure what I'm going to do. Hence the reason why I'm posting about it. (I'll finish this a little later)

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